What is a Healing Crisis

There are a lot of people out there, especially newly attuned Reiki/energy healing practitioners, who feel like their life is suddenly thrown into chaos.

This is a healing crisis.

I know it sounds terrible, but bear with me and I’ll tell you a little bit more about the mechanics of what causes a healing crisis and how to get through one.

When a wound heals over without being cleaned properly, a doctor may need to come along and cut open that wound to physically clean it out.

This is what energy healing does, but with energetic wounds. The Reiki (in my case, but energy healing in general) reopens an old wound so it can be cleaned out and it can genuinely heal properly.

This reopening of old energetic wounds can cause a healing crisis, becuase it can be quite confronting and traumatic. But if that wound wasn’t reopened, it would cause more and worse issues down the track.

If you think about a physical wound, cleaning it is the first step to healing. It makes sense that this is the first step to healing an energetic wound.

Now to what to do if you find yourself in a healing crisis: as Winston Churchill once said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Meaning “stay the course.”

And in the case of a healing crisis, a healing crisis can feel like hell. It can feel horrible and uncertain and nothing makes sense, but that doesn’t mean you should give up.

Becuase the Reiki (or energy healing) started the process of healing, and that process includes cleansing, then the best thing you can do in a healing crisis is to keep healing, keep using that energy healing system to get through this issue.