When you reach Level 2 in Reiki (at least Usui Reiki), you meet your Reiki Guides. But I believe this is something that everyone should know, not just Level 2 Reiki Practitioners. Anyone can use this meditation to contact their spirit guides, their angels, whoever guides them in their life.
This is important information for all, not just Reiki practitioners. So, I’m writing instructions for the meditation, giving you the information so you can go on and contact your Reiki Guides/spirit guides/guardian angels and get some answers to your questions.
Your guides lead you, guide you, help you live a better life.
So, here’s the meditation to meet them:
Get comfy, close your eyes. Find a door, go through the door. See a set of chakra coloured stairs descending in front of you. The top step is white (crown). Go down the steps.
There's another door at the bottom of the steps. Go through that door. Now you'll be in a garden. Anchor your senses in this place. What's the temperature like? Is there a breeze? A scent of flowers? A rustling of leaves? A babbling brook? etc.
An animal will make itself known to you and lead you on a path. Again, anchor yourself whilst walking. What's the ground like underfoot? Is the light dappled along the path, are there birds flitting among the trees? etc.
Now you get to a lake. This is the cleansing stage. Imagine yourself swimming into the lake and relaxing on your back, staring up at the sky, being held up by the water. All your worries and negativities melting off you like ice in hot water. Then water bubbles up from beneath you replacing those worries with invigorating, re-energising, enlivening, protective and healing energies.
Then you'll notice an island in the middle of the lake where your guides are gathered to meet you. Go to the island, greet them and ask them your questions. Once they've given you the messages you need, thank them.
Find another door. Go up a set of chakra coloured stairs, this time starting with the red step (root). And at the top of the staircase is another door. Go through it and you're back in your physical body. Anchor your senses in your body, wiggle toes and fingers and slowly come back to reality.