Let’s do an exercise that can help you. How can you find and cultivate joy in your life? What do you need to do to make your life happier?
Let’s find out.
Close your eyes and clear your mind. Take three deep breaths. Ask your question: What do I need to do to make my life happier?
Then pick a number between 1 and 3.
Once you have chosen, scroll down to find your message for the day.
Card 1 - 4 of Cups
This card indicates that you are feeling boredom or complacency. That nothing around you interests you, even though there is a lot on offer.
This card suggests you take a moment to really consider what is important to you. What are you passionate about? What sparks your desire? How can you allign your values with you actions and everyday life?
Once you understand the answers to these questions, you will find how to live joyfully.
Card 2 - 8 of Wands
This card indicates that you might be flighty in your search for joy. Maybe you find a Bright Shiny Object (BSO) and play/run with it for a while, until another BSO comes along and you drop everything to play/run with it.
This card suggests that you stick to one BSO for long enough to see how it improves your life and your happiness. This will teach you about yourself and also teach you self-discipline. And with this, happiness will come to you, instead of you chasing it.
Card 3 - 2 of Swords
This card indicates that you are indecisive about what will actually bring you happiness. You have choices to make and you can’t decide—you are stuck and can’t see which path to take.
This card suggests you close your eyes, draw on your intuition and ask it to guide you. And just like how clouds part on a dark night, revealing the moon, so too will you intuition reveal what you must do to cultivate happiness.