Let’s do an exercise that can help you. What do you need to know about your finances? What message does spirit have for you in regards to your money situation?
Let’s find out.
Close your eyes and clear your mind. Take three deep breaths. Ask your question: What do you need to know about your financial situation?
Then pick a number between 1 and 3.
Once you have chosen, scroll down to find your message.
Card 1 - Four of Stones/Pentacles
Your finances are stable right now. Your skills are the foundation for your income—continue working to improve them, whether this is through professional development or applying yourself at work. This card suggests that if your do this, your financial situation will continue to be stable and will improve.
Card 2 - Warrior/Chariot, Reversed
Remember your why. Why did you start down this career path in the first place? What did you want to achieve? What are you doing all this for?
The Warrior suggests you remember this so you can charge forward and single-mindedly go after your goals.
By rememberiing your why, you will find it easier to do anything, even improving your finances.
Card 3 - 3 of Arrows/Swords, Reversed
You may be going through a tough time right now, in regards to your finances, but the 3 of Arrows reminds you to have faith. Your ancestors and spirit guides are looking out for you. They say that this rough spot was necessary for your development as a person. When you come out the other side of this difficult situation (and you will), you will be a more rounded person, able to see what you were blind to before. You will be able to help others out of their own darkness, whether through advice, service or simply compassionately acknowledging and listening to their feelings.