Reiki Tarot Spirituality

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How To Tell If A Spiritual Teacher Is The Real Deal

I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about a spiritual teacher or energy healer being more toxic than they are helpful.

I want to do what I can to ensure that everyone in this space is as safe as possible. Therefore, I’ve compiled a list of Red Flags when it comes to spiritual teachers/yoga instructors/energy healers.

These are the Red Flags to look out for when searching for/following a guru:

  • The person claims that they are the powerful one, not the energy they channel.

  • Read the subtle messages the person says. eg.

    • Do they imply they are all-knowing?

    • Do they think that they are the authority, not everyone’s inner self?

    • Do they deny your own intuitions in favour of their own?

    • Do they dismiss stories of your own psychic/intuitive gifts?

  • If it’s an energy healing system that you’re learning, how many people have achieved the highest level of this system? Is there only one person at the top (or only a very few people?)

  • Does your intuition tell you something is off about this person?

  • When in groups with the person, are contradictions or challenges to their ideas accepted or punished (even subtlely)?

  • Does the person seem to want followers or “yes-people”?

And, finally, remember the ultimate rule of spirituality: Whatever someone says, if it doesn’t resonate with you, disregard it. This prevents dogma and cult-like practices from infiltrating spiritual teachings.

There are plenty of genuine spiritual teachers/yoga instructors/energy healers out there who can help you. But sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a good one and a harmful one. I hope this helps you differentiate between the two.