Reiki and Anxiety

I have been experimenting with different ways to treat anxiety and mental health issues in general.

Firstly, don’t underestimate what mental health professionals can do for you. There are some mental health issues that benefit greatly from a specialist (OCD, for example). Reiki is a great complimentary therapy, it can help while you seek out someone or if it's a time-related anxiety that will clear up on a certain date (thus making the effort put into seeking a specialist non-effective), then Reiki can support you through it.

Right, now onto my methods:

Method 1: Imagine your anxiety as separate from you (Narrative Therapy), and send Reiki to it as if it's someone else. You can do this via distance reiki or an object. The idea is that anything that happens to that object, also happens to your anxiety.

You can make this super easy, is there a ring you wear or an object you touch *all* the time? A fiddle tool you use to keep your hands busy? You could even use your computer keyboard or your phone. Or simply draw a symbol on you the palm of your hands, so you channel directly into it.

Whatever you choose, name it "Anxiety", and every time you touch it, know that you are sending reiki to your anxiety. This way, you can reiki your anxiety basically all day, every day. Sending a constant flow of reiki to it.

Method 2: Send distance healing to your anxiety.

Similar to method 1, but different. When you're setting up distance healing on your anxiety, ask the reiki to do a full reiki healing treatment on the anxiety, focusing on [insert here, eg. calmness, focus, joy, mental wellbeing] and then ask the reiki healing treatment to repeat every 2 hours or so (depending on how much energy you can actually channel, if your chest gets tight, it means you're channelling to much too fast. So lengthen the amount of time between repeats). Ask Reiki to repeat until the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Combo of method 1 and 2.

Pretty self-explanatory, do both. Bombard that anxiety with all the reiki you have.

The more you do reiki, the more you will be able to channel. So you will notice that whatever method you choose, you'll be able to channel more and more and your reiki will become more potent.

Method 4: Ask your Reiki Guides

Everyone's situation is different, your Reiki Guides know you and your life and circumstances better than some random reiki master on the internet. Meditate and ask them how to improve your situation.