A note on joy

I would like to introduce my Moon Crystal Tarot deck by Screen Girl on Etsy.

No this isn’t a review, it’s more about why I choose to include this deck in my regular go-to decks.

This deck is absolutely beautiful to look at and has characters that I grew to love from the Sailor Moon anime. When I was younger, there weren’t many Girl Power shows on TV. Xena, Charmed and Sailor Moon were the only shows I have regular access to.

These TV series gave me an example of girls and women triumphing over evil. They had romance, mystery, action, adventure, humour and focused on the emotions of life. They showed me that no matter how bad things are, I should never give up! They showed me the power of “the feels” and how it’s okay (and healthy) to laugh and cry, it’s okay to be vulnerable and it’s okay to be myself.

This Moon Crystal deck reminds me of my childish joy. How unadulterated it was. How in the moment it was. How spontaneous it was. How easy it was.

It reminds me of the things I’ve forgotten about my childhood and what used to bring me joy and laughter. It reminds me that I can call upon these old joyous things and new ones to help me find and cultivate the spark of joy.

It also reminds me that to truly be happy, I must be authentic and celebrate my interests/eccentricities ;)




The tarot cards which inspire me most.

The first is the Star card. To me, it represents faith in the darkest moments of your life. When everything seems to be going wrong and you can’t see any way out of a terrible situation, if you can find faith, or hope, that will improve your situation, you can find your way out.

This is why I like this card so much, it reminds me that even when things look bleak, there is always a silver lining to every cloud :)

The second card that inspires me is the Sun card. To me, it represents that sense of unbridled joy when you get to the other side of your Dark Night of the Soul. When you’ve just stepped out of your bleakness, and found that light and life are welcoming—celebrating—you, it’s amazing.

You feel like you can be your true self, standing in your power and radiating your joy and love to everyone around you.

These are the cards which inspire me most. What about you? What cards inspire you?

If you would like a tarot reading with me