December - Monthly Reading
Hello my lovely readers! This is a first for me as I don’t usually do monthly readings, but I got inspired to do so recently (maybe it’s that wonderful Jupiter energy ;) ).
I really enjoyed doing this reading, and it’s for anyone who reads this blog (past, present, future). And as an added bonus, I’ve infused Reiki into the reading, so anyone who views this will get a Reiki healing too!
Anyway, enjoy!
Pile 1: Judgement, The Emperor, Ace of Cups Reversed, 6 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles Reversed.
Pile 2: The Devil, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Wands and The Tower Reversed.
Pile 3: King of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, 3 of Cups and 5 of Swords Reversed.
Pile 4: Temperance, King of Swords, Page of Cups, Queen of Cups Reversed, 10 of Cups.
December brings the start of a new consciousness to your life. People all around you will want to assist you, the systems in place to serve you will actually do so. You’ll find help from the government and friends and allies around you. Internally, you’ll be building a new foundation for you to stand on for the rest of your life. To be honest, this month sounds fantastic, according to the first pile.
According to the second pile, the chains of materialism will be liberated from you. You’ll be able to stand your own ground, holding your own in terms of finance and peace and comfort and safety. So much so that you’ll feel free to start exploring what else is out there for you. With all of this solidity, you’ll feel freer than before.
Pile three indicates that a change in thinking will also occur. You’ll move from focusing on the negative to focusing on your friends and family around you, those who lift you up and help you enjoy life. However, this pile indicates that you may have to make a decision to focus on the positive, otherwise you could truly end up focusing on the negative.
The fourth piles suggests that if you keep everything in balance, walk the middle path, you’ll be able to handle anything that comes at you with wit and alacrity. There will be pressures on you to withdraw emotionally, but if you are able to keep balance and do lots of self-care, you’ll have an entirely joyous December.
Wow! What a month ahead for my readers! This is all looking wonderful and I truly hope you have a fantastic December.
I’ll be back with more monthly readings next year (maybe even a yearly one too ;) )
If you would like your own personal reading for December, click here.